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Table of Content The Gold Standard in Chlld Development Textbooks Laura E. Berk Chlld Development «Writing Style: fabulous! Information in these chapters is consistently presented in a clear, concise style. The reader is very much ‘involved’ in the material.» —DEBORAH GURAL, RED RIVER COLLEGE «Berk’s emphasis on culture is excellent and I think superior to most other development books. She includes a wide variety of interesting, relevant, and thorough cultural examples in boxes and throughout the chapters.» —BARBARA SIMON, MIDLANDS TECH «This is an extremely comprehensive and well written chapter on emotional development. I found the presentation clear and concise, and an appropriate blend of theoretical background and detailed descriptions of research results.» —ROBERT COPLAN, CARLETON UNIVERSITY «I think that Berk Child Development is an excellent text. It is up-to-date and comprehensive. At the same time, it is highly readable and very attractive.» —REBECCA BIGLER, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN «Laura Berk’s texts are distinctive because they are research-focused and extraordinarily well-written. I also deeply appreciate the integrity of her thinking and presentation of issues: she does not dodge or unduly simplify difficult developmental problems or scientific questions.» —ROSS THOMPSON, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS «We (Psychology Faculty at Brigham Young University) have consistently concluded that Dr. Berk’s child development text is the most accurate, coherent, comprehensive, and insightful offering on the market. Her careful, systematic approach to organizing the knowledge base in the field serves our students well.» —CRAIG HART, BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY «I particularly appreciate Berk’s inclusion of multicultural perspectives. It is important to help students, particularly those who are just beginning their professional preparation, to put what we know about young children and their development into a cultural context. This text does that masterfully with words AND with pictures.» —NANCY FREEMAN, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA For related titles and support materials, visit our online catalog at www.ablongman.com, I. THEORY AND RESEARCH IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT. 1. History, Theory, and Applied Directions. The Field of Child Development. Basic Issues. Historical Foundations. Mid-Twentieth-Century Theories. Recent Theoretical Perspectives. Comparing Child Development Theories. Applied Directions: Child Development and Social Policy. 2. Research Strategies. From Theory to Hypothesis. Common Methods Used to Study Children. Reliability and Validity: Keys to Scientifically Sound Research. General Research Designs. Designs for Studying Development. Ethics in Research on Children. II. FOUNDATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT. 3. Biological Foundations, Prenatal Development, and Birth. Genetic Foundations. Reproductive Choices. Prenatal Development. Prenatal Environmental Influences. Childbirth. Approaches to Childbirth. Birth Complications. Heredity, Environment, and Behavior: A Look Ahead. 4. Infancy: Early Learning, Motor Skills, and Perceptual Capacities. The Organized Newborn. Motor Development in Infancy. Perceptual Development in Infancy. Early Deprivation and Enrichment: Is Infancy a Sensitive Period of Development? 5. Physical Growth. The Course of Physical Growth. Brain Development. Factors Affecting Physical Growth. Puberty: The Physical Transition to Adulthood. The Psychological Impact of Pubertal Events. Puberty and Adolescent Health. III. COGNITIVE AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. 6. Cognitive Development: Piagetian, Core Knowledge, and Vygotskian Perspectives. Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory. The Sensorimotor Stage (Birth to 2 Years). The Preoperational Stage (2 to 7 Years). The Concrete Operational Stage (7 to 11 Years). The Formal Operational Stage (11 Years and Older). Piaget and Education. Overall Evaluation of Piaget’s Theory. The Core Knowledge Perspective. Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory. Vygotsky and Education. Evaluation of Vygotsky’s Theory. 7. Cognitive Development: An Information-Processing Perspective. The Information-Processing Approach. General Models of Information Processing. Developmental Theories of Information Processing. Attention. Memory. Metacognition. Applications of Information Processing to Academic Learning. Evaluation of the Information-Processing Approach. 8. Intelligence. Definitions of Intelligence. Recent Advances in Defining Intelligence. Measuring Intelligence. What Do Intelligence Tests Predict, and How Well? Ethnic and Socioeconomic Variations in IQ. Explaining Individual and Group Differences in IQ. Early Intervention and Intellectual Development. Giftedness: Creativity and Talent. 9. Language Development. Components of Language. Theories of Language Development. Prelinguistic Development: Getting Ready to Talk. Phonological Development. Semantic Development. Grammatical Development. Pragmatic Development. Development of Metalinguistic Awareness. Bilingualism: Learning Two Languages in Childhood. IV. PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT. 10. Emotional Development. The Functions of Emotions. Development of Emotional Expression. Understanding and Responding to the Emotions of Others. Temperament and Development. Development of Attachment. Attachment, Parental Employment, and Child Care. 11. Self and Social Understanding. Emergence of Self and Development of Self-Concept. Self-Esteem: The Evaluati

Reviews Reviewer Quotes: Berk Child Development «I voted for Berk because of the ancillaries. I teach the course on the Internet and appreciate the rich media and web resources, as well as the TestGen test bank.» — Barbara Simon, Midlands Tech «Berk»s emphasis on culture is excellent and I think superior to most other development books. She includes a wide variety of interesting, relevant, and thorough cultural examples in boxes and throughout the chapters.» — Barbara Simon, Midlands Tech «Berk is definitely committed to using the latest developments and research, including evolutionary development and the new emphasis on dynamic systems approach.» — Barbara Simon, Midlands Tech «I think that Chapter 4 is great, really great. It is comprehensive, accurate, and balanced, and written in an accessible way.» — Scott Johnson, New York University «The milestones tables in the chapters I reviewed [4 and 5] are excellent. Just right, lots of information packed into an easy-to-digest format.» — Scott Johnson, New York University «Commenting on the Digital Media Archive: «Love »em, they go right on the computer, right into the lecture. Perfect.» — Scott Johnson, New York University «The text is very comprehensive and covers all the topics I cover in my courses and more!» — Susan Siaw, California State Polytechnic University «Students all learn differently, and the features included in chapter 7 of Berk give students an opportunity to find what strategy is going to work best for them.» — Darlene A. Brodeur, Acadia University «In terms of pedagogy, I would like to commend Berk for providing reasonable features throughout the text, without totally overwhelming the actual content of the chapters.» — Darlene A. Brodeur, Acadia University «I was planning a lecture on perceptual development, and found [chapter 9] in this text very useful, with great visual aids! Thanks for making my job teaching easier.» — Carla Hudson Kam, University of California Berkeley «Laura Berk»s texts are distinctive because they are research-focused and extraordinarily well-written. I also deeply appreciate the integrity of Laura»s thinking and presentation of issues: she does not dodge or unduly simplify difficulty developmental problems or scientific questions.» — Ross Thompson, University of California Davis «Over the years, [Dr. Berk»s] texts have become more accessible to a broader student audience, in part owing to her incorporation of greater attention to the practical, practice, and policy implications of developmental science. I think that the current text is nicely balanced between theory, research, and applications.» — Ross Thompson, University of California Davis «The coverage of [chapter 10] is outstanding: Laura has addressed each of the major issues I would expect to find in a chapter concerned with emotional development, temperament, and attachment.» — Ross Thompson, University of California, Davis «Like all of Laura»s writing, [chapter 10] is breathtakingly current.» — Ross Thompson, University of California, Davis «One of the challenges of the high level of the Berk texts is to make them accessible to students of a range of backgrounds and ability, and I perceive these learning aids [Ask Yourself Questions] as one way of doing so. All of these study aids are thoughtfully conceived and well-designed. » — Ross Thompson, University of California, Davis «[Chapter 10] is an extremely comprehensive and well written chapter on Emotional Development. I found the presentation clear and concise, and an appropriate blend of theoretical background and detailed descriptions of research results» — Robert Coplan, Carleton University «I think that [Child Development] is an excellent text. It is up-to-date, comprehensive, and demanding. At the same time, it is highly readable and very attractive.


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Берк Л.Е.

ISBN: 5-314-00040-7
Издательство: Питер
Обложка: твердый переплет
Страниц: 1056
Год: 2006

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В книге на современном уровне излагаются основные психологические понятия, ведущие закономерности психического развития детей и методы изучения психики ребенка. Излагаются базисные представления об отклонениях в психическом развитии ребенка. Представлены основные способы психологической профилактики и психологической коррекции психических и поведенческих расстройств у детей. Издание предназначено для студентов высших педагогических и медицинских учебных заведений, слушателей учебных заведений системы последипломного образования. Вызовет несомненный интерес у практических психологов, социальных педагогов, педагогов детских дошкольных учреждений и школ, врачей — детских психиатров, психотерапевтов, педиатров — и всех, кого волнуют вопросы психологического благополучия и гармоничного личностного развития детей.

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